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At The Door Ministry

Meet Pastor Pat Cross

Pastor Pat Bio

Pastor Pat Cross was ordained by the late Pastor Andrae Crouch.

She served on Staff as the Associate Pastor of Outreach and Evangelism. She taught Leadership Training courses and developed two Evangelism Outreach Ministries—one at a Rehabilitation Facility and the other at a Jail Ministry. Time spent at Azusa Pacific University, where she earned a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Leadership, has helped prepare her for some important life experiences.


She has served...

in Ministry at many levels including Chaplaincy at Twin Towers Correctional Facility, Citrus Valley Medical Center, and the Covina Police Department. She has taught Bible study at a Christian bookstore, and the Covina Public Library.


Pastor Pat is the founder of "At The Door Ministry."

They have adopted a Church in Johannesburg South Africa, and have built five toilets and a mobile kitchen to help serve the poor. The children have received food, clothing, shoes, and school supplies. In addition, she has ministered in Scotland and India.


At the Door's Ministry House in Las Vegas...

hosts Pastors, Missionaries, and hurting Women in need of a place to rest. Pastor Pat has served at the Hoving Home, Las Vegas Branch for women who are transitioning out of drug addiction, prostitution, and homelessness. Currently, her ministry has provided coats, shoes, and socks for two low-income schools in South Central Los Angeles and the Compton School District. Pastor Pat has also served at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.


The Southern California Outreach...

ministers to family homeless shelters in the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Pastor Pat also meets with a mature prayer Intercessor on a weekly basis. She loves serving the Lord wherever He sends her.

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PO Box #2411 Newport Beach, CA 92659 USA

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At The Door
Mission Statement

“To Love, Equip, and Give to those in need.”

PO Box #2411 Newport Beach, CA 92659 USA

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